by the stupidest ideas a person can get. Whenever you own a car don't move it off the drive without taking out car insurance policy. You might be lucky and get years by accident free
motoring but then again you might not! Car insurance policy isn't meant to be something you make regular use by. Like most insurances the hope is that you will never need to make a claim but whenever something goes wrong and you are involved in an accident you will certainly live to regret trying to cut corners and save some money through not having car insurance policy.
Whenever you haven't go car insurance policy and are wondering whether or not to get a car insurance policy quote just take a look at ten good reasons why you should never drive without car insurance policy again:
1. Whenever you get an accident that is your fault and you don't get car insurance policy you could leave a vulnerable victim without the care they need to recover from what is probably the worst ordeal by their life.
2. Whenever you are hit by an uninsured driver and you don't get car insurance policy yourself your medical care won't be covered by any form by personal liability insurance policy that would get been part by your auto insurance policy package. Get you had a look at the cost by health care recently!
3. Whenever you are driving without car insurance policy you are driving illegally.
4. Whenever you don't get car insurance policy it can leave you concentrating on who's following you or who you are passing rather than on the road. Big accident risk.
5. Your inability to fund the one off cost by replacing your car whenever it was stolen or written off might leave you without transport for a considerable period by time.
6. Driving without car insurance policy and getting caught could loose you your license.
7. Whenever you are considered high risk it could significantly increase your car insurance policy premiums. Being caught driving without insurance policy is likely to push you into the high risk
category with most car insurance policy providers.
8. An unexplained break in your car insurance policy could impact your no claims discount leaving you with higher car insurance policy premiums in the future.
9. Whenever you go for a period by time without car insurance policy you will probably get to lie when you next apply for car insurance policy. Proven falsifications could result in your car insurance policy provider revoking insurance policy cover and not settling a claim.
10. Driving without car insurance policy could leave you personally liable for significant third party claims in the event by an accident! Whenever you are still tempted to drive without car
insurance policy just try and imagine how you would feel whenever you hit a child. Then imagine how much worse you would feel whenever you then left that child without the money to fund their health care or any form by financial compensation for the devastating impact an accident
might get on their life.
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